Does Computer Programmer Use Critical Thinking

2 min readJan 10, 2021

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Now critical thinking may come across as fairly common. but often its importance is understated. Coding. however. is widely considered to be one of the best tools to teach critical thinking thanks to its authentic. real-world approach. We list below the reasons why coding helps with critical thinking: 1.

None. You are thinking of Logical thinking. You use logic to program. not critical thinking. Logical thing is making input a work on output a etc. with various logical gates such as AND or OR etc. Critical thinking is looking at the final product and knowing its loads of ballocks even if it works logically. 970 views

Critical thinking is an essential skill for an e ducated society. Our experience as computer science educators in an environment with an explicit emphasis on critical thinking has led us to. . .

Both coding and critical thinking share these process steps: 1) identify a problem or task 2) analyze that problem/task 3) come up with initial solutions 4) test 5) iterate and refine. Troubleshooting is a great example of this process in coding. as programmers need to identify issues and try different tactics until they find a strong solution.

New researches have shown that critical thinking can be developed in a technology-rich environment. especially to improve motivation. guidance. scaffolding. and feedback.

Computational Thinking (CT) is a process that generalizes a solution to open-ended problems. Open-ended problems encourage full. meaningful answers based on multiple variables. which require using decomposition. data representation. generalization. modeling. and algorithms found in …

After a software developer designs a computer program. the programmer writes code that converts that design into a set of instructions a computer can follow. They test the program to look for errors and then rewrite it until it is error-free. The programmer continues to evaluate programs that are in use. making updates and adjustments as needed.

My younger brother might have cracked Google only last year but he had always been an ever-the-crazy-programmer. My brother and I. we used to watch Hollywood flicks. Netflix shows on TV. . Big screen. you know. Now. my dad is so conservative that i. . .

Papert claimed programming provided children with new opportunities for learning and thinking. A series of studies on the cognitive effects of programming determined that Papert’s claims were problematic. but other research studies like the “Effects of Computer Programming on Cognitive Outcomes. ” and those conducted at institutions like MIT . have shown that programming can be …




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